Sunday, November 24, 2019

Social Media Presence

Some time ago we moved some operations to Facebook.  The Fiddler created a simpler site using a FB business template (it informs us like a business, which is annoying but functional).  It's also far easier to post to from a mobile device if the need arises.

This Blogger page will be maintained for anything larger than a simple "report" as in the last essay about a caboose in Iowa.  Who knows how long that will last.  But, until it is gone, there is archive value to this site so we'll keep an eye on it and keep it's function available.


Welcome to HAPT's Railfan Adventures

The Hebron Any Power Team is actually just a bunch of fun-loving rail enthusiasts who enjoy photographing and chasing all things railroad with friends. This bunch of guys cover a lot of ground for a group based way up "nawth" in Maine. We also have friends scattered around the country who contribute well to our hobby. In fact, our name is derived from our actual friends in the Worcester Foreign Power Team, except that Hebron hasn't seen a train since the 1950's so we'll settle for "any power".

Welcome and enjoy the eclectic collections of the contributors. Maine idealizes "life in the slow lane" so we present this blog as an effort to share our less time sensitive findings and to add to our hobby.