The usual stops on the way to NMJ netted little of note. Leeds Jct. and Waterville were semi-quiet, though we spotted trains EDNM and NMED "side by each" in Waterville. EDNM had wind generator equipment toward the front of the train and we later saw the same train in NMJ on the return voyage.
Our first non-usual stop was Ellsworth. We stopped by the old depot then headed over to Washington Jct. to look over the recently established Down East Scenic Railway. There were a few workers about and a few nicely painted cars. The old B&ML 70 Tonner #54 was handy but boarded up. We didn't linger long since we didn't see anyone we knew and they clearly marked the place with no tresspassing signs. The roadbed in either direction looked to be clear of brush and washouts, so they have worked on the track to get things started. Track seemed good back toward Brewer but not very far to the east. Good being relative since it was 85lb rail on gravel roadbed 20 plus years ago when it was last used. We saw evidence of tie work back west to the outskirts of Ellsworth but that's where the newly installed crossbucks stopped so that might be the limits for now. I'll leave further speculation to the experts.
Continuing on, we followed the empty Calais branch east. We had to do some zig-zag maneuvers down lesser roads to follow the line at times. A DeLorme Atlas made this child's play. With the nice day and low foliage we had great visibility for the downeast scenery and following tracks. We stopped in Harrington to see what we could find. We found the start of the rail trail and the home of the Worcester Wreath Company, known for donating wreaths to Arlington Cemetery ev
The next photos are of rail-trail construction. A truss bridge in
From Ayers Jct. we headed to Charlotte along the old trackage and found Depot Rd. Apparently this once had a depot but the siding is still present. We couldn't see obvious evidence of the building but guessed where it might have been. The main road continued to Calais so we did too. We eventually rejoined Route 1 and could see Canada across the river. After poking around downtown Calais and visiting the Irving station at the border crossing, we followed the line toward Woodland as best as we could. It's not easy to lose but it's not easy to see.
Poorhouse Rd. looked promising and boy was that a good guess. We ran right into a masonry roundhouse and the small yard pictured above. This is just beyond (RR east) the bridge where cars are shoved over the border to the NBSR. For those who might try to find
Our final stop in the area was the Domtar mill in Woodland. It is shut down and the railroad in turn is shut down but we thought we might find some fossils or soon-to-be fossils. Logic said that if we stay on our side of the river we should encounter tracks at either end of the plant. Guess again! The west end of the plant yard only has enough of a stub to switch on. There is no east end either.
The Domtar plant is closed indefinitely according to news reports. That means it could reopen eventually or it could be all over. Stay tuned. I'm sure someone will forward news to the listservs.
It was a perfect day for an outing. After exploring the last corner of the state that we haven't railfanned before, we'll probably head west next. You know, those wild west towns over to Vermont!
1 comment:
What a great travelogue! In the tradition of HAPT explorations, this fits right in. DT&I Fan, I'm jealous - who knows when I'll ever snag Washington County. All of these postings are tipping me towards procuring a better digital camera. I just have to get the timimg right; WOW (Wife Of Wheelman) may have some objections but almost always she's understanding of my wanderlust and the illness that drives me to wander & share what I find with my like-minded HAPT cohorts.
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