Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Winter of our Discount Tent

Yes, I did borrow that title from Red Green. It fits. I haven't gotten out for much railfanning and the pickins have been slim when I did go out. Maine is still falling to pieces railfan wise. The duct tape on the lead unit above says at least some things never change though.

Anyway, the stuff that's left isn't terrible. Pan Am blue is really taking over from old "sludge gray". Same outfit, but slightly easier to look at. While railroading is rapidly receding north of Waterville, the rest of the state is at least stable for the moment. The old 'Geeps' are less numerous in Waterville as newer GP's move in. The Downeaster service is doing very well by Amtrak standards (losing less money than anticipated) and will soon be expanding to Brunswick. As long as the financial house of cards handling that expansion doesn't crash too soon we could get some photos next year. The SLR hasn't had any more huge shocks and the Maine Eastern is still alive and well. Danville Junction is almost complete. Pan Am District One has been it's same old, sluggish and colicky self since the big paper mills are still running in some manner. So, if we're willing, there's usually a train somewhere to be hunted down between Rigby and Leeds Jct.

At least this has been a typical Maine winter with some snow to get all over the pictures. I'm past the crazy days of trying to get out while a blizzard is blowing to catch a plow in action. I like the 'parked in Waterville' look almost as much. You'd think they'd clear it off a bit when they're finished though.


Welcome to HAPT's Railfan Adventures

The Hebron Any Power Team is actually just a bunch of fun-loving rail enthusiasts who enjoy photographing and chasing all things railroad with friends. This bunch of guys cover a lot of ground for a group based way up "nawth" in Maine. We also have friends scattered around the country who contribute well to our hobby. In fact, our name is derived from our actual friends in the Worcester Foreign Power Team, except that Hebron hasn't seen a train since the 1950's so we'll settle for "any power".

Welcome and enjoy the eclectic collections of the contributors. Maine idealizes "life in the slow lane" so we present this blog as an effort to share our less time sensitive findings and to add to our hobby.